Email the Submitter

You may want to email the person who submitted a schedule if the schedule is missing, rejected, or if you have questions, among other things. You can see who uploaded the schedule in Submittals.

The emails that are sent from Touchstone use the settings on the Configuration tab in Settings > General

To email the person who submitted the schedule:

  1. In the Navigation pane, in Hubs, click Submittals.
  2. Locate the project whose submitter you want to email.
  3. In the Submitter Email column, click on the email address.
    A new email message window displays.
    • The From field is populated with your (the logged in user) email address that is listed in EPM SA, and is read only. If you do not have an email address in EPM Security Administrator, you will need to enter one into EPM SA before you can send an email.
    • The To field is populated with the submitter email address. If there are multiple submitters, this field contains a delimited list of the email addresses. If needed, you can add multiple email addresses separated by semicolons. If the email address is invalid, Touchstone will not display an error message.
    • The CC field is populated with your (the logged in user) email address that is listed in EPM SA, and is read only.
    • The Subject line is populated base on the status and is editable.
      • If the project status is Rejected, the subject displays the following: "Touchstone Alert: Project <project name> was rejected. Window closes on <date> in <number of days> days."
      • If the project status is Accepted, the subject displays the following: "Touchstone Alert: Project <project name> was successfully uploaded. Window closes on <date> in <number of days> days."
      • If the project status is Missing, and the window to upload has not closed, the subject displays the following: "Touchstone Alert: Project <project name> is missing. Window closes on <date> in <number of days> days."
      • If the window has already closed, the subject displays the following: "Touchstone Alert: Project <project name> is missing and the window closed on <date>, <number of days> ago."
  4. Enter a message and click Send.
    When you click Send, the upload report is automatically attached to the email.